With the 'silly season' fast approaching, it's important to take care of ourselves, especially our immune system. We all want to enjoy the parties, indulge in delicious food and socialise with loved ones, but we also want to make sure we stay healthy and energised.
So, here are some easy tips to help boost your immune system and stay on top of
your game.
Get Enough Sleep
We all know how important sleep is, but during the festive season, it can be easy to stay up late and compromise our sleep. Remember to aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to help your immune system stay strong and keep those cold and flu bugs
at bay.
Practice Yoga
Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. By practicing yoga, you can help your immune system function at its best, allowing you to stay energised and healthy throughout the festive season.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is vital to your immune system. Focus on nourishing your body with plenty of fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. These foods contain important vitamins and minerals that can help support your immune system and keep you feeling your best.
Manage Stress
The festive season can be stressful, but don't worry, there are plenty of ways to manage stress. Take some time for yourself each day, whether it's through meditation, reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath.By managing your stress levels, you can help support your immune system and keep yourself feeling healthy and happy.
Socialise in Moderation (if you want to)
It's important to enjoy the festive season with loved ones, but try to strike a balance. You don't have to say 'yes' to every single offer to go out!
Stay healthy and energised during the festive season. Go ahead, indulge in the festivities, but don't forget to take care of yourself too!
ZEST ENERGY TIP Up your intake of fruit and veg at this time of year. If you're struggling to get your 5-a-day, try making a smoothie for your breakfast or as a snack, homemade veggie soups for lunch, extra steamed veggies for dinner. Snack on seasonal fruit.